"America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion"

Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Please visit the new site of http://www.prolifewarrior.com/ and join in the fun of throwing cyber punches at those who believe 'fetuses' are not people

Friday, February 19, 2010


George Offerman

It seems hell care will not die, or seemingly keeps coming back in different forms. There needs to be pressure put on the so called republican pro lifers to do something about this, instead of staying silent, as they have for the most part. This is the future of our country we are looking at, and if this goes through, there will most likely never be a big enough majority to overturn this, and most likely, very few in public office will have the intestinal fortitude to even try. As stated before, if this goes through, we will have rationing, and the quality of what everyone will receive will be drastically reduced.

There are instructions at the bottom of this article that give some directions in contacting your representatives and senators. We don’t know how much difference we can make in the few days we have, but if this goes through, we will have plenty of time to regret the lack of action taken when there was a possibility of doing something. I hope everyone has been preparing, because if this is written into federal law, and we are unable to overturn this, in effect we have just signed our own ‘death warrant’ as the blood guilt will be nearly insurmountable.

WASHINGTON, D.C.: Congressional Quarterly is now
reporting that the final health care proposal is
expected to be released by the White House "as
early as Feb 21" -- just three days from today.

Abortion proponents are aggressively assembling a
coalition to ram through a health care bill that
is fully expected to mandate abortion coverage and
government funding of abortion.

With a final version expected out as early as
Sunday, it's clear that abortion advocates know they're on
The verge of having the votes they need to force this
Bill through in a way that is filibuster-proof:

"The most likely way forward is for the House to
Clear the Senate's health care bill (HR 3590) and for
The Senate to pass a package of changes to it, using
The filibuster-proof budget reconciliation process.
That set of changes would incorporate the deals
Struck with the House, which would then send the new
Package to the White House. Obama would first sign the
original Senate bill, then the 'corrections'
package. The last measure signed into law would be the
one that dictates the final shape of the overhaul."

You see, the House passed the Stupak language that
would save lives and protect taxpayers from
funding abortion -- but it was completely stripped from
the Senate version.

With intense pressure mounting for the House to
Just roll over and pass the Senate version, millions of
lives are at stake!

President Obama has refused to address the issue
Of abortion -- and every indication is that he will
Keep abortion funding as a centerpiece of his proposal.

And with the immense amount of pressure that House
Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader
Harry Reid have been applying to pro-life members of
Their party, we must act NOW!

We've been working around the clock to put
together a coalition of like-minded groups, leaders, and
activists to press for Stupak language -- that protects
innocent human life in the final bill.

Now we need YOU to tell that to Congress!


Please contact your members of Congress to tell
them: "Do not support any health care reform bill that
does not include the Stupak language to block
government funding of abortion!"

Here's how to reach them:



We're in the final stretch, and this is when your
Voice counts the most. Let's keep up the pressure and
STOP the Abortion Mandate in Health Care!

For Life,

Stop the Abortion Mandate Coalition

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