"America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion"

Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

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Thursday, February 24, 2011


Randall Terry

Pro-Life “Sit-in” at Speaker Boehner’s Office:
Will Republicans Really Defund Planned Parenthood –
This “Criminal Syndicate?”

Even as I write, six courageous pro-life advocates – Ed Faddoul, Joan McKee, Gary Boislcair, Andrew Beacham, David Lewis, and Alan Mercado – are being released from jail for staging a peaceful “sit-in” outside House Speaker John Boehner’s office at noon on Wednesday, Feb 23. God bless them for bringing national press coverage – by virtue of their sacrificial actions – to this life and death debate.

Before the sit-in, Mr. Boehner’s Communications Director met with us outside Boehner’s office, with over a dozen members of the press recording the moment. (See video of press conference below.)

We told him – in the clearest terms possible – that Mr. Boehner could be a hero if he follows through with defunding Planned Parenthood when the Continuing Resolution reaches the conference committee. We also told Speaker Boehner’s representative that if Mr. Boehner fails to defund Planned Parenthood – far from being a hero – he would be collaborating with those who commit sexual crimes against minors.

(For any who do not know the process, the House vote last week to defund Planned Parenthood does not insure Planned Parenthood will actually lose funding. The Senate must also vote to do so, or when a conference committee is convened that hammers out the “final bill,” that “final bill” must also prohibit funding for Planned Parenthood. The final bill will then be voted on again by the full House and Senate.)

Where Do We Go From Here to Defund Planned Parenthood?

I urge my fellow pro-life leaders, heads of ministries, and individual pro-lifers to take decisive actions to bring victory at this criminal moment. I submit the following immediate steps that can be taken to defund Planned Parenthood:

1) Contact Speaker Boehner’s office at 202-224-3121, and politely insist that he only appoint House Members to the Conference Committee that will keep funding for Planned Parenthood out of the final Continuing Resolution.

2) Call your House Member at 202-224-3121, and insist that Planned Parenthood be defunded in the conference committee.

3) Wherever you live, you have a local office for your House Member. When you call the receptionist of your Member in DC, ask for the address of your member’s local office. Then, go in person to the office, and politely insist (of whatever staffer you talk to) that the Member makes sure that Planned Parenthood funding is not restored in the conference committee. Remember, they work for you.

4) Tell your Member that if funding is restored in the conference committee, you insist he vote against the Continuing Resolution when it comes back to the House for a final vote (after the conference committee’s failure).

5) Hold a peaceful demonstration and press conference in front of your House Member’s and/or Senators’ office(s) in your area. This is a VERY BIG issue right now; if you hold a demonstration – even with 3 or 4 people – you will likely get a lot of media coverage, and reach multitudes with your message. If you have never done this before (and are a little nervous!), go to www.TerryCast.com and click on “Press Instructions.” The instructions are comprehensive, and free for all to use.

6) If you would like to write and fax a personal letter from you to every House Freshman, or to all Republicans, or even just to Speaker Boehner and the House leaders, go to www.OverturnRoe.com. It is very fast, and very inexpensive. And again, this is a personal letter from you, that will be faxed immediately to all House or Senate members you select.

Is Planned Parenthood a “Criminal Syndicate?”

Given the facts, it is arguable that Planned Parenthood is a criminal syndicate. Besides being the nations largest killer of unborn babies – which is by far their worst crime (they slaughtered over 300,000 babies last year – I believe they are in a criminal conspiracy to cover up sexual crimes committed against minors. Let me make my case.

Every time a pregnant minor girl walks into a Planned Parenthood, that child is the victim of a sexual offense. She is a living, breathing crime scene. She is either the victim of statutory rape, or worse.

By law, Planned Parenthood is required to tell police authorities of these crimes. But, as has been proven over and over again - by the courageous undercover work of Lila Rose, Mark Crutcher and others - Planned Parenthood refuses to obey the law. They are knowingly aiding and abetting sexual crimes against minors. At that point, they become an “accessory after the fact.”

Think about it: if you or I learned (after the crime was committed) that someone had committed a murder, or a robbery, or a rape – and then we knowingly helped cover it up – we would be “accessories after the fact.” We would literally be committing a crime, punishable in a criminal court of law.

Every time Planned Parenthood helps a child molester, or a pimp, or an adult male man having sex with a minor cover their crimes by killing the baby – and does not contact the police – they have become accessories after the fact.

In that light, I have a rhetorical suggestion to make to all my fellow pro-life leaders and activists; from henceforth until the day that Planned Parenthood is closed down for good – and many of its employees are tried for conspiring to protect sexual crimes – we should refer to them as a “criminal syndicate.”

Such a declaration is the truth; and politically, it puts people like Barney Frank and Nancy Pelosi and Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid in the position of having to explain their support (financially and ethically) for an organization that kills over 300,000 babies a year by abortion, and by the tens of thousands of times per year, is knowingly covering up crimes. To support Planned Parenthood – knowing the evidence of the murderous and illegal deeds of Planned Parenthood – shows a corruption of mind and deed that is unfathomable. It is our duty to create the debate on these terms.

In closing, I beg you – in the presence of God, the Church triumphant, and in the presence of the millions of babies’ souls that have been dispatched by an abortionists’ knife at a Planned Parenthood killing center – do EVERYTHING in your power to bring victory in this critical battle. Lift up your voice to Speaker Boehner, the Republican House, and your Representative, and demand that Planned Parenthood – this “criminal syndicate” – is fully defunded once and for all. Once that is accomplished, can talk about special House investigative hearings, and prosecutions.

See Video of the Press Conference and Sit in at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5Et7UfIePOo

Learn more about pro-life activism, Mr. Terry’s work, and his Presidential Primary against President Obama at: www.OverturnRoe.com, www.TerryCast.com, and www.TerryForPresident.com

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