"America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion"

Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Please visit the new site of http://www.prolifewarrior.com/ and join in the fun of throwing cyber punches at those who believe 'fetuses' are not people

Tuesday, August 10, 2010


George Offerman

The post apologetics of many pro life groups has started now that Kagan is in the Supreme Court. Although predictable, it is incredibly sad that these groups have any credibility and no shame in the fact they were MIA in this battle. It must be that many in the pro life movement have little fight in them, or they just don't understand the points of battle. With he next point of battle being the November elections, it would be high time and proper to be demanding candidates that supposedly represent our positions, to actually keep their word.

We have Steve Ertelt of lifenews.com that believes Kagan's elevation to the Supreme Court has a 'silver lining' in it. Mr. Ertelt has been MIA in most of the real battles and has been silent on those who have put in efforts to filibuster this horrible Associate Justice. And Mr. Ertelt presents himself as a pro life leader who is on top of the major news stories. It is more like Mr. Ertelt has a 'news blackout' on stories and events he is personally uncomfortable with or thinks is not in the image of his vision pertaining to changing the law of the land and outlawing legalized child killing. As long as people like Mr. Ertelt, decide what is newsworthy in the pro life movement, we can presume a losing position and most of these pro life groups will continue fund raising until the day Jesus returns.

The Reverend Pat Mahoney of the Christian Defense Coalition was arrested some weeks back for praying in front of a Planned Parenthod abortuary in Washington, D.C. An honorable endeavor, but not a rallying point for overturning Roe. The Reverend Mahoney makes a statement in his latest newsletter that if "this does not rally the Christian community, then I don't know what will". There is some truth to this statement, but if legalized child killing were illegal, one could not get arrested for praying in front of an abandoned abortuary. let's make child killing illegal, and all the disputes over where to pray will cease to exist.

Finally, the Philippine branch of the Catholic Church has boldly declared to the government that the will excommunicate not only those who pass legalized child killing, but anyone remotely involved at any level. The American Church could learn a lot from this example, and maybe ought to take note that the Church over there has credibility because of their strong stances on moral matters such as this. I have also wondered if the Church over there is dealing with something equivalent to the 501 C 3 status in this country. either way, the Philippine Church seems to have a moral compass and a voice that carries some authority.

So, let the games begin. Let these groups and individuals sell their 'goods' as real efforts, and let them justify their inactions as 'silver linings' and 'demonstrating Jesus love for others" Let them continue on in their delusions that they are making a 'difference' in this war. But for the love of God and the Babies, please do not fund them.

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