"America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion"

Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Please visit the new site of http://www.prolifewarrior.com/ and join in the fun of throwing cyber punches at those who believe 'fetuses' are not people

Saturday, October 3, 2009


Daniel Michael

How can God bless any work that is not done for His kingdom and not without hypocrisy? My wife and I have been in the pro-life movement for over 17 years. We have 12 children, the youngest saved from abortion because my wife had the courage to obey God and stand for one more hour outside the local abortion mill.

We have been acquainted with and interviewed some of the trail-blazers of the pro-life movement of the past 17 years! Norma McCorvey, Dr. Bernard Nathanson, Randall Terry, Flip Benham, Carol Everett, Joe Scheidler, Alan Keyes, and many others.

What I have seen and heard over the past couple of years makes me want to vomit. Troy Newman and Jill Stanek calling Randall Terry a thief and a fraud is like Adolph Hitler calling George Tiller a madman.

I have known Troy Newman since July 2001 and Troy Newman’s motivation and desire is only for money and fame. He is a wolf. Every time something happens in the pro-life movement Troy Newman takes credit for it. He came to St. Louis in 2004 to help us with an event, and ever since then he has been taking credit for each success God has bestowed upon us! Another time we met him in Jefferson City, Missouri at the Capitol, and he said there were 40 people with him. He had one truth truck and three people. He is as phony as a three dollar bill. His organization had their 501c3 taken away. He has always expressed to me about his desire for the almighty dollar; for him to blatantly lie about Randall Terry wanting his mailing lists and the awarding of money by the U.S. Trademark Office is a very low blow.

We know people in Wichita that tell us the only time he has been at Tiller’s clinic over the last three years was for a photo op or media coverage. He has not only slandered Randall Terry and Flip Benham; he continues to deceive his donors and others about the work he does claiming, “If you don’t give us money, more babies will die.” Hogwash!

Now, let's talk about Jill Stanek. While Jill Stanek complains about how much Randall Terry rakes in, why doesn't she tell everyone how much she's making? When Jill Stanek spoke at the Vitae Foundation dinner in Illinois, we were told she was paid several thousand dollars. Not bad for one hour's work.

You won’t see Jill Stanek standing outside any abortion mills trying to save babies. I saw her at Notre Dame for the Obama Commencement speech, but she wasn’t holding a sign or ruffling anybody’s feathers. Jill Stanek is a pro-life gossip, who makes money off of other people’s work.

Why do pro lifers have to get paid to do God's work? Receiving money for expenses is fine, but $5,000-$10,000 for speaking and $200,000 a year in salaries? Hogwash! Go get a job like everyone else.

These money-changers criticizing Randall Terry are ridiculous! Before you get the speck out of your brother’s eye, you better get the log out of your eye! The reason why there is so much divisiveness and jealousy is probably the same reason why we have been attacked by other so called Christians: envy. They must be feeling threatened. Just like most pregnancy centers, narcissistic pro-lifers and Christians do not want to share a piece of their kingdom or pro-life pie with anyone.

I have never received a dime from Randall Terry and do respect the work of the people I criticized in this letter, but I am really sick of the “cash cows” and hypocrites in the pro-life movement. If abortion came to an end tomorrow, they’d be jumping off buildings. That’s why abortion will never end with such division and sin. The love for money is at the root of all evil.
Before you decide to throw stones, make sure you don’t live in glass houses.

About the Author: Daniel and Angela Michael, and their twelve children have been doing pro-life work for over twenty years. The Michaels have helped thousands of women with adoption, baby needs, and anything else they may need. They live in Highland, Illinois, but travel 60 miles daily to the Midwest's largest, late-term abortion mill in Granite City, IL The aboritonist there, Yogendra Shah, has done more abortions than anyone else in the entire U.S. in the past thirty five years.

As the director of the abortion mill stated in a recent article with the New York Times, "They (the Michael's) are relentless," in their work for the unborn. We don't do it for the money, as most pro-lifers do. We have the intention of seeing this 2 million dollar abortion mill closed. The Michaels and their children work at the family's restaurant in the evening time. Angela is a retired OB nurse.1:25 pm edt

1 comment:

  1. Since there appears to be some questionable material posted in the comment section, I have decided to remove the comments for this posting.
