"America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion"

Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Please visit the new site of http://www.prolifewarrior.com/ and join in the fun of throwing cyber punches at those who believe 'fetuses' are not people

Tuesday, March 9, 2010


George Offerman

There is little more than a week until the Vanguard of St. Catherine makes their pilgrimage to the Vatican, to present documentation pertaining to the shortcomings of the Church in American, and this group needs all of the support that the laity is willing to give.

In fact, this past Sunday, Pope Benedict clarified this point by unequivocally stating that the laity is “co-responsible for the Church, not merely as collaborators for the Clergy”. With this mandate, we as laity have been given ‘marching orders’ of sorts, and should be encouraged to contact the Vatican directly, if other channels utilized do not bear fruit. The Clergy will not take us seriously if we do not take our own faith and responsibilities seriously either.


Below is my letter to the Vatican Officials.

Dear (fill in the name and title here)

May the Peace of Christ be with you and fill your days during this Lenten season.

I am a life long Catholic, and as such, want to address some very distressing and disconcerting issues that have surfaced over the past year. Living in the shadow of the nation’s capitol allows one a certain vantage point when considering the political and religious undercurrents of the nation, and where it may be headed. There have been major shifts in policies coming out of Washington, D.C, that have been very detrimental in matters of faith and Morals in our church, and to be quite frank, the leadership of the Catholic Church has been abysmal at best, and complicit with this evil at worst.

As you may be aware, there are many issues occurring concerning the ongoing scandal and continued violation of Cannon 915 by the Bishops in the Washington Metro Area, as well as other parts of the country, along with the issue of federal funding for Abortion in the health care bill. What you may not be aware of is the fact that the two Virginia Bishops, changed the outcome of a Virginia bill, the proposed personhood amendment, which was defeated in session, due directly to the two Virginia Bishops opposing this amendment. What you also may not be aware of is the fact that an outstanding pro life member of the community had a two day seminar planned during the Annual Right to Life march that lined up speakers and events that were in alignment with magisterial teachings. This event was cancelled due to a complaint from a very liberal newspaper, the National Catholic Reporter.. However, three weeks later, an event that promoted a homosexual agenda, along with pro abortion topics was promoted by the same group and sanctioned by the Archdiocese of Washington.

These are just two examples of many that have occurred in the past year. I beseech you, to allow the representatives of the Vanguard of St. Catherine to meet with you, and give you greater details on these matters. It is of the utmost importance, that our Church be the beacon of light to shine brightly in these dark times, as Christ mandates. These men and women have been in the heart of the battle for our nation’s soul, and have first hand knowledge of the issues and impediments in presenting the teachings of our great Church to this country.

In Jesus Christ our Lord,

George Offerman

I am encouraging all the readers of this site to send faxes, letters and financially support the Vanguard of St. Catherine prayerfully and if possible financially. This is one effort that is worthy of effort and money, as it is being taken directly to the source, and it has the most effect. For further instructions on letters, and to donate, go to:


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