"America will not reject abortion until America sees abortion"

Fr. Frank Pavone, Priests for Life

Please visit the new site of http://www.prolifewarrior.com/ and join in the fun of throwing cyber punches at those who believe 'fetuses' are not people

Monday, June 7, 2010


George Offerman

It seems the self proclaimed ‘national’ leader for the Pro life movement has a very thin skin. I have occasionally posted on Mr. Troy Newman and his Wichita Organization over the past several months, and have received very nasty responses, that up to this point I have not published, or edited significantly when publishing. I have also donated thousands to his causes over the years believing he was the genuine ‘article’ concerning how he represented himself and the causes he has supported. Because another side has emerged (actually it has come to my attention over the past 2 years, something that those who know him well have known for some time) I decided to sever ties with Troy and his Wichita Organization about a year ago, and let him know why.

Since that time, Troy has been on the attack and has attempted to smear me, along with others, and has done this in the name of ‘Christianity” and ‘saving the babies”. Troy and his ilk have attempted to use bullying tactics that have included outright lies, and attempting to label people with diagnosed mental illnesses (I guess these are examples of his innovative ways). It is very unbecoming, as well as juvenile to resort to playground behaviors and name calling, but as I have discovered, Troy wants to play by his rules, and has no tolerance for anything or anyone who dares to challenge his ‘supreme authority’.

Below is an actual e-mail exchange, unedited from one of the supposed national leaders of the Pro life movement. It is rather sad that Mr. Newman wants to interact in the way that he does, and wants to infer that he is the ‘big dog’ in the room. There seems to be no lack of pride in this man, and Troy is the one who is constantly ‘bad mouthing’ other pro lifers and organizations that do good work that is unrelated to his Wichita organization and may actually garner some attention, taking the attention away from Troy.

From: troy newman
Date: Friday, June 4, 2010
Subject: today's post
To: George Offerman

You are a tiny gnat on a cows ass in the heat of summer delighting in
the aroma of one Randy Terry; but you think you are in the Caribbean.
I'm not wasting my time to look at your ongoing verbal diarrhoea

Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be men of courage; be
strong. 1 Cor 16:13

Troy Newman
316-683-6790 office
916-244-2636 fax

On Fri, Jun 4, 2010 at 2:49 PM, George Offerman

Troy and Win,

See today's post www.prollifedefender.com

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As Christians, we have a difficult enough time in recruiting other Christians for this battle, and many have rightfully pointed out how the pro life movement is fragmented, and filled with many ego maniacs who seem more interested in self promotion and fundraising than getting the job done. It is especially shameless when these same leaders who will claim to be infallible in their judgment characterizations use sinful behavior to harm another, and then use the Christian Moniker to hide behind and justify their sinful behavior. That is why the pro life movement is so stagnant now, and not really attracting the new blood and vigor it needs.

The pro life movement does not needs a self proclaimed leader who acts like an adolescent as its spokesman. The pro life movement does not need those that utilize methods like trashing others in order to look good themselves, as motives to accomplish their own narcissistic need for fame and fortune. The pro life movement does not need the constant harping about how “if you don’t fund US, then babies will die” mantra as if they have sole rights and are the only route to overturning Roe. No, the pro life movement needs visionaries that are leaders, and willing to do whatever it takes to end legalized child killing, and not be concerned about how they look in the battle.

So, from Troy’s perspective I am nothing more than a tiny gnat on a cow’s ass. I can go along with Troy’s analogy, and I will gratefully be a tiny gnat in this battle, but knowing that Troy is the cow’s ass (since he insists on being the big dog, or ‘cow’ on the national scene) gives some credence for the need to be vigilant and hold those accountable who want to make the claim they deserve the standing they have taken. My thoughts about Troy are similar of his towards me, in that in dealing with Troy, a little Preparation H will do the trick.

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